Out Of Hours Safeguarding Contact
Emergency Safeguarding Team - Out of hours Emergency Safeguarding Support
The Safeguarding Team (EST) provides out of hours support for all safeguarding emergencies relating to football where a crisis has occurred outside of office hours that cannot wait until the next working day.
How to contact the Emergency Safeguarding Team
Please call - 07912 309565
The service is available outside of normal office hours:
- Monday to Friday: 4:30pm to 7.00pm
- Routine updates will be posted to provide the contact details for bank holidays.
The EST will respond to all calls as soon as possible but at certain times the worker on duty may be dealing with several matters. You are invited to leave a voicemail and/or text message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
The EST’s response to referrals will be prioritised such as:
- Where a child is at risk of immediate harm
- Where a vulnerable adult is at risk of immediate harm
The team member on duty will make an assessment, on the telephone, of any immediate need or risk and then take appropriate action to ensure that an individual is safe until the next working day.
If the referral does not involve a child or vulnerable adult at risk of immediate harm, please email info@westridingfa.com with details of the referral. Your email will be responded to the next working day.
Out of Hours Duty Social Care.
Tel – 01274 431010
Email – childrens.enquiries@bradford.gov.uk
LADO.Tel – 01274 437915
Email – LADO@bradford.gov.uk
Out of Hours Duty Social Care.
Tel – 01422 288000
Email – mastadmin@calderdale.gov.uk
Tel – 01422 394055
Email – LADOadmin@calderdale.gov.uk
Out of Hours Duty Social Care.
Tel – 01302 796000
Tel – 01302 737332
Email – LADO@dcstrust.co.uk
Out of Hours Duty Social Care.
Tel – 01484 414933
Tel – 01484 221126
Email – LADO.cases@kirklees.gov.uk
Out of Hours Duty Social Care.
Tel – 0113 5350600
Email – childscreening@leeds.gov.uk
Tel – 0113 3789687
For Harrogate, Craven and Selby.
Out of Hours Duty Social Care:
Tel – 01609 780780
Tel – 01609 533080
Email - lado@northyorks.gov.uk
Out of Hours Duty Social Care.
Tel – 0345 8503503
Email – social_care_direct@wakefield.gov.uk
Tel – 01977 727032
Email – lado.referrals@wakefield.gov.uk