Recruitment Practices

As part of our ongoing commitment to embedding EDI and Safeguarding across all our policies and processes we (West Riding FA) have updated our selection and recruitment practices to be in line with best practice in EDI and safeguarding across the business sector.

Guided by the NSPCC, HR Employment Law Specialists and Aspiring to Include, these updates aim to meet the gold standard in inclusive and safer hiring by eliminating traditional gatekeeping practices and creating an open, welcoming environment for all potential candidates.

Removing Barriers to Entry

We have identified and removed several barriers that historically hindered diverse talent from applying. Key changes include:

- Removing Gatekeeper Language and Criteria

- No University Degree Requirement: We no longer mandates university degrees for applicants, acknowledging that talent and experience come in many forms.

- Flexible Working Patterns: We now offer flexible working arrangements to accommodate different lifestyles and commitments.

- Gaps in Employment Accepted: Understanding that career paths are rarely linear, we no longer require candidates to justify gaps in their employment history.

Inclusive Job Advertisements

To attract a wider range of applicants, we have revised our job advertisements to reduce bias and gendered language. By carefully crafting job descriptions, we ensure they appeal to a diverse audience, fostering a more inclusive application process. Furthermore, all Job Recruitment Packs are screened the Aspiring to Include: Job Advert Inclusivity Screening Tool. This tool checks our job adverts against a criteria, to assess how inclusive the language, phrasing and tone is to ensure the avoidance of language that could be deemed directly or indirectly discriminatory towards applicants with a protected characteristic.

Expanding Recruitment Networks

In an effort to reach a broader and more diverse pool of candidates, we have established connections with nine different networks of diverse organisations. These partnerships enable us to advertise vacancies to a wider audience, ensuring that opportunities are accessible to all communities. We are committed to broadening our network so please get in touch of you are an organisation who could help us.

Ensuring Diversity in Applications and Interviews

We have implemented several key practices:

- Outsourced Shortlisting using ‘blind applications’: All roles are subject to outsourced shortlisting by a team of independent HR Employment Law Advisors. All personal details are removed, and applications are evaluated against the role’s core competencies identified in the essential and desirable criteria.

- Guaranteed Interviews for Diverse Candidates: At least two applicants with diverse characteristics who meet the essential criteria will be guaranteed an interview, ensuring they have the opportunity to showcase their skills. These two spaces are in addition to the maximum number selected for interview.

- Pre-Interview Support: All applicants are offered support and guidance before their interviews to help them prepare and present their best selves.

- Competency-Based Interviews: The interview process is now strictly competency-based, focusing on candidates' abilities and experiences rather than subjective factors.

Diverse and Trained Interview Panels

We have made a concerted effort to ensure that interview panels are diverse and well-trained:

- Diverse Panels: Where possible, interview panels include at least one member from a diverse background. We are also exploring ways to engage external members on interview panels to bring in fresh perspectives.

- Training in Inclusive Hiring: All panel members have undertaken training in unconscious bias and at least one member of the panel has undertaken Selection and Recruitment training (including safer recruitment). This training ensures that all panellists are equipped to evaluate candidates fairly and without bias.

A Commitment to Change

Our new approach to recruitment is a testament to our commitment to creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace. By removing barriers, expanding outreach, and ensuring fair evaluation processes, we continue to foster a more inclusive, diverse workplace.

For those interested in joining a forward-thinking and inclusive organisation, we offer a welcoming and supportive environment where diverse talents can thrive. Keep an eye on our vacancies page for future opportunities.