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BookAQualifiedCoach Resource Available for Coaches and Clubs

BookAQualifiedCoach is a newly available resource for coaches and clubs. It's a world-first in the sports industry that allows reputable...
BookAQualifiedCoach has created a resource which can be utilised by sports teams, individuals and organisations to improve the provision of support they have access to. Their aim is to make all job types in sport accessible for all. Previously, multidisciplinary support has been largely inaccessible at grassroots level because of the traditional salaried worker. With this new resource, all teams and individuals can receive hourly support at a tiny fraction of the cost, as well as book coaching support, sports science, analysis, physiotherapy, massage and the list goes on.
The website currently allows for 17 different job types across 65 different sports and BookAQualifiedCoach are trying to make people aware of how it could potentially alter the way they work and recruit workers in sport.
Register and log in free of charge to advertise your availability to a variety of clubs and organisations.
You can search for qualified coaches and other support services directly on the website link.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact:
Lawrence Williams
BookAQualifiedCoach Director
07856 050534

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