Atif Din

South Asian Heritage Month: Atif Din

Part 12 of our South Asian Heritage Month feature.

To celebrate South Asian Heritage Month 2024, we are interviewing several referees, coaches and players from South Asian backgrounds across the grassroots game in West Riding.

Up next is Atif Din,  current coach of Chapeltown Juniors FC & Yorkshire Amateur AFC.

Tell us about how and why you got involved in coaching football? 

I got involved in coaching by volunteering at the club I played for as a kid, Chapeltown Juniors FC. 

I’m obsessed with the game. I’ve played the game my whole life and I’ve always wanted to coach football. My playing style on the pitch is full of passion, leadership and constant communication – these attributes have provided me with a solid foundation to develop as a coach. More importantly, football gives me the opportunity to help people with their game as well as nurturing them into good people. 

What do you enjoy about coaching football? 

Coaching football allows me to make a huge impact on so many people in the community as well as millions of people worldwide via online platforms (Follow @Din.Academy on social media to find out more).

I enjoy creating a safe environment where players can express themselves, be competitive and be constantly challenged to aid their development – however, the players I work with know that before we play the game, we must be good people to ourselves and those around us whilst keeping high standards in all areas. 

Football also gives me the opportunity to grow as an individual, meet new people and stay active. 

What is your best memory of coaching? 

I’ve been blessed to have so many amazing memories over my coaching career, alhamdulillah. 

My best memory would be winning the Leeds & District Millennium Trophy at Elland Road in the 2021/22 season with my Chapeltown Juniors side. I am the first and currently only Chapeltown Juniors FC manager/coach to win this prestigious trophy. The final was played at the home of Leeds United at Elland Road where we had access to the first team facilities, the tunnel and we had our friends & families in the stands. The semi-final was also played at the Leeds United training facility, Thorp Arch. We did the double that season also winning the division in the Garforth Junior Football League. 

Another memory which is worth a mention is winning the Leeds & District Black Prince Trophy as the Chapeltown Juniors FC coach/manager in the 2023/24 season. What made this memory extra special was reading on the trophy that the only other time Chapeltown Juniors FC won the trophy was in the 2011/12 season. This got me thinking back to my younger playing days and I managed to find my winning medal as a player. We won the final 2-1 and I scored the winning goal at the home of Yorkshire Amateur AFC at Bracken Edge Stadium. An unbelievable full circle moment, winning the same trophy as a player and a coach. 

What do you want to achieve in coaching football? 

I want to develop and get better every day and I want the same for those I work with – this to me is an achievement, I want to achieve daily – football gives me this opportunity. 

I want to have a positive impact on those I have worked with, and for them to be good people before they are good footballers is paramount to everything I do. I put this above all of the trophies and accolades as it does not mean a thing if we cannot be good to each other. 

Respect is everything, even in competition. 

One of my goals is to help as many players and coaches worldwide. My online platform, @Din.Academy has so much content to help football players and coaches around the globe. 

My advice would be to get better every day, chase progress daily and the achievements will rack up frequently. Also, you define your achievements, so celebrate your success daily. The journey is everything. 

What are the biggest obstacles you have faced in coaching football? 

One of the biggest obstacles I’ve faced when coaching football is no matter how ‘good and in depth’ my session plan is, things can still go wrong and guess what, it’s okay. 

I remember in my early days coaching, having ‘the best session plan’ and it the session just did not go to plan. Nothing was working, the drills were not flowing and everything felt like a disaster – we’ve all been there. Even the top coaches you see on TV have had their obstacles when coaching. It’s all part of the journey.  

There are so many variables when coaching a football session, not one session will be the same. Some of these variables include players, pitch, conditions, equipment, time, etc. 

Reviewing and reflecting on the back of your sessions is so important. This will allow you to take all of the good things from a session and identify the things that did not go so well so you can work on ways to improve every session. Obstacles are there to be overcome. 

Who’s had the biggest influence in your coaching career and why? 

Lutel James and Will Bowler, the founders of Chapeltown Juniors FC. Both of these influential figures work tirelessly for the community and having been opening doors of opportunity to thousands of players year after year. I’ve had the pleasure of working with them as a player for this club as well as a manager. 

Lutel was also my coach when I played growing up so to have the opportunity to gift him my winners medal from the 2011/12 season is truly remarkable. Now I’m in a position at the club where I get to nurture the next generation into positive young people and creating history for this amazing football club. 

What advice would you give to people wishing to get involved in coaching football? 

The best time to start was yesterday and the next best time is now, so do it now. 

Honestly, it will be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling things you can do. Coaching football will allow you to develop every day, it will provide you with opportunities and you will meet amazing people. 

Find your local club, get in contact and volunteer to kick start your journey. Shape the future of the game and have a positive impact on so many. 

What if it can turn out better than you can imagine…