Wozza Hakimy

South Asian Heritage Month: Wozza Hakimy

Part two of our new South Asian Heritage Month feature.

To celebrate South Asian Heritage Month 2024, we are interviewing several referees and coaches from South Asian backgrounds across the grassroots game in West Riding.

Up next is Wozza Hakimy, a West Riding Match Official from Bradford

Tell us about how and why you got involved in refereeing?

I played academy football at Bradford City until 16 and then had a short spell at York City before I stopped playing for a few years. In between that time I really got into gym and I use to hate doing cardio in the gym as it was boring. I can’t exactly remember how I came across the refereeing course but I thought I could use that to do my cardio and earn some cash on the side and just went for it.

What level referee are you and where do you officiate?

I just got promoted to Level 3 which means I’ll be officiating at Step 2, 3 and 4

What do you enjoy about refereeing?

First of all, I love football and that’s the main reason, but it’s one of them things where you don’t think you’ll enjoy it but it would surprise most people in how much you’d enjoy it. I started doing it for a bit of fitness and some cash, however the higher I’ve got the more I’ve enjoyed it! To be honest, with how well I’ve done in such a short time, if I could go back, I’d have started a lot earlier. Also, I have made some great friends along the way.

Who are your role models in refereeing?

I wouldn’t say I have a specific role model, however there’s so many people that have helped me through the years. From referees to coaches, thank you so much, you know who you are!

However, I want to mention 1 specific person who went above and beyond in helping me, and that’s Nigel Bannister. I remember when I first got to Level 4 and he was on my line in the 2nd game and my positioning and decision making was all over the place. After confirming I was a new Level 4, he understood and gave me a few tips for the 2nd half. I did a lot better in that 2nd half and I think he liked the fact I listened to him. After the game, he told me he would put himself on my games to help out and would come and watch some games, which was a shock to me as he wasn’t getting paid or anything. For those that don’t know Nigel he’s an ex-football league official, so it’s really nice of him to help someone like me out. I went from being an average Level 4 to a decent Level 4 in no time. A massive part of my promotion to 3 is down to him in the early days! Thank you, Nigel, for coming to all of them games when you didn’t need to!

What are your greatest achievements in refereeing and why?

Biggest achievement is my current promotion to Level 3. Knowing I will be on games in the National League is crazy! I’ve had plenty of cup semi-finals and finals however the FA Cup game I did a few years ago between Padiham and AFC Liverpool stands out. Also doing the play offs semi-final last year was a different buzz!

What is your best memory of refereeing?

It’s hard to pinpoint 1 memory as I’ve had a few but being at FC United of Manchester in front of 1,800 fans was a good feeling. Again, that FA cup game had all the drama and wasn’t easy to ref, but I did very well.

What are your goals for the future?

Just progress as high as I can. I’m in a very good position and as long as I work hard anything can happen! Of course, I would love to reach football league but it’s not going to be easy so just take small steps and do the best I can.

What are the biggest obstacles you have faced in refereeing and how you overcome them?

Every level of football has a certain expectation and learning that can be difficult and can take a lot of time. With me personally I think it helps massively that I have played the game myself and know what players want. 

Another obstacle was competing with lads that are on National CORE (Centre of Referee Excellence) with coaches which isn’t easy to compete with, but I have just kept going and did my work on the pitch!

What advice would you give to people thinking about getting involved in refereeing?

Honestly, the answer is simple just give it a go! What have you got to lose? You’ll be amazed how many players have gone into it and they love it. Just remember if you love football, you're getting paid to keep fit! Who knows where it could take you too!