Asma holding a trophy

South Asian Heritage Month: Asma Khan

Part five of our South Asian Heritage Month feature.

To celebrate South Asian Heritage Month 2024, we are interviewing several referees and coaches from South Asian backgrounds across the grassroots game in West Riding.

Up next is Asma Khan, a coach at Route One Rovers and BEAP...

Tell us about how and why you got involved in coaching football? 

The reason I got into coaching was because firstly I have a passion for sport in particular football and I wanted to make a difference to the youngsters sporting lives. The opportunities in my youth were limited and I want to ensure that the youth of today are not limited like I was. Also, as I get older I want to teach skills I’ve learnt to the youth and I believe there is a minority of south Asian female coaches and I want to help increase this. 

What do you enjoy about coaching football?

Kids leaving with a smile on their face. Making a difference to the young kids who had no idea of footballing skills and seeing players develop as footballers. Most players also learn basic characteristics such as discipline, teamwork, and resilience. 

It’s an amazing feeling when the kids come up to you after the session and tell you that they have enjoyed the session. 

What is your best memory of coaching?

When one of my under 7s children came up to me and said I can never do a step over. After weeks of practice the smile on the child’s face after being able to do a step over was priceless. 

What do you want to achieve in coaching football?

I would want to achieve a qualification and a squad that has successfully developed as footballers from my coaching. I want to develop technical skills and progress further as a coach. 

What are the biggest obstacles you have faced in coaching football?

Being south Asian female as the opportunities are scarce. 

Who’s had the biggest influence in your coaching career and why?

My friends who have encouraged me and always believed in me. My family who always support me because they know my passion for football. 

What advice would you give to people wishing to get involved in coaching football?

It’s the best thing you can do because you are helping youngsters develop and never give up because remember every day is different. You will have good days and bad days but that feeling when you see your team happy, and progressing is priceless.