Sitong Chen

East and South East Asian Heritage Month: Sitong Chen

Part two of our new East and South East Asian Heritage Month feature.

East and South East Asian Heritage Month takes place every September to celebrate the contributions of East and South East Asian communities.

To celebrate this, we are interviewing people in West Riding with East and South East Asian backgrounds to hear more about their grassroots football stories...

Name: Sitong Chen
Currently Club: Leeds Huaren

Tell us about how and why you got involved in coaching football? 

Having a passion for the sport, and because of aging, meaning I'm playing less and less but still want to be involved in football

What do you enjoy about coaching football?

Seeing my players and team improve throughout the years.

What is your best memory of coaching? 

One of my players who has improved a lot in 2 years, from not able to contribute much to being the first name on the team sheet

What do you want to achieve in coaching football?

Want to help as many players to improve as I can.

What are the biggest obstacles you have faced in coaching football? 

Probably culture, I come from a different culture background, so coaching in England isn't straight forward

Who’s had the biggest influence in your coaching career and why? 

The coach developers from my UEFA C course have taught me a lot.

What advice would you give to people wishing to get involved in coaching football? 

Get experience, be patient.