Jihai Zhong

East and South East Asian Heritage Month: Jihai Zhong

Part three of our new East and South East Asian Heritage Month feature.

East and South East Asian Heritage Month takes place every September to celebrate the contributions of East and South East Asian communities.

To celebrate this, we are interviewing people in West Riding with East and South East Asian backgrounds to hear more about their grassroots football stories...

Name – Jihai Zhong
Current Club – Leeds Huaren

Tell us about how and why you got involved in playing football?

I have been playing football since I was a child, and I have a passion for it.

What do you enjoy about playing football?

I enjoy the vibe of sharing honour and disgrace with teammates during a football match.

What is your best memory of playing?

I was involved in a beautiful goal with 23 passes build up. 

What do you want to achieve in playing football?

Play more football, make more friends.

What are the biggest obstacles you have faced in playing football?

Physical difference with local players.

Who’s had the biggest influence in your playing football career and why?

Our team manager Mr. Chen. He gave me the opportunity to participate in the local football. It’s a wonderful experience. Also, my first coach Mr. Saleh. He rebuilt my football theory and gave me lots of encouragement and support.

What advice would you give to people wishing to get involved in playing football?

Just go for it. Be bold and fearless.