Dear colleagues
During these exceptional times, we wanted to share some resources and information with you, as we realise that you are not all able to access the Yammer group where we have also shared this information.
1. Childline - We know that not all children are safe from abuse and neglect at home. Teachers, sports coaches and youth leaders see children every week, and develop relationships that mean they can spot when a child may be at risk which is essential to a child receiving the right support and protection from statutory agencies. These safeguards have been removed and there is an increased risks for children to be abused and neglected with the closure of schools and sports clubs. I would encourage all sports promote the Childline details by encouraging use of the Childline logo and links -Childline (UK) Tel: 0800 11 11
“Childline is for Children only and is a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. Important update: Because
of the coronavirus, Childline have had to make
some changes to how Childline works. For now, you can only speak to a Childline counsellor online or on the phone from 9am – midnight”.
Dealing with anxiety;
Also consider promoting the NSPCC Helpline to adult audience: Sample
text– “Home isn’t always a safe place. Schools and sports club’s closing could put some children at greater risk of abuse and neglect. If you’re worried about a young person, we are here. NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (8am-10pm Mon-Fri/9am-6pm
weekends) or email [https://] anytime”.
2. Online coaching – we have published some guidance for the sport and physical activity sector here -
3. UK Coaching virtual classroom S&PC - UK Coaching has launched a response to the disruptive impact of the pandemic by creating an Online Classroom to replace the existing Safeguarding & Protecting Children face-to-face workshop while the current restrictions on face to face training continue. That way, when life returns to normal, coaches will be fully equipped to maintain a safe and fun environment for all our children and young people. The interim virtual training – which has the full support of the Child Protection in Sport Unit – allows delegates to ask questions in a safe environment facilitated by a qualified safeguarding tutor. It also provides the opportunity to discuss specific safeguarding issues that arise during the training.
Finally – please remember that CPSU are still here. If you would like to discuss any aspects of safeguarding with us at this time please contact us either through your CPSU link or the main email address