Open Letter From West Riding FA Chairman Barry Chaplin To West Riding Grassroots Football Community
Communication sent on Friday 25th September 2020
It is fantastic to see so much safe and organised football going on across the county, particularly during these difficult times that we find ourselves in and for that we thank you all.
As we head into another weekend of football, I felt it important to write to you as Chairman of the County Football Association to reinforce the key messages that we need everyone in football to take on board, whether you are a player, coach, match official, administrator, parent, carer or spectator.
With rising Covid-19 levels across 4 of our Local Authority Areas, the risk to the postponement of grassroots football is becoming increasingly prominent. However, at this point in time there is a collective commitment locally to allow the game to continue in accordance with The FA’s guidance.
Over the last few months, the FA have produced comprehensive Return to Football Guidance, which must be strictly followed at all times. We have continued to share this with everyone involved in football across West Riding, as well as updating with any information on local restrictions. All the FA guidance documents can be found here and we would urge everyone involved in the game to read them. Please be reminded that the FA guidance is only in place whilst in the football environment and as soon as this is finished local restrictions must be strictly adhered to.
One of the key areas of recent concern relates to Spectators - it is imperative that all Spectators maintain social distancing and government restrictions are always followed. For absolute clarity, spectators must remain socially distanced and in discrete groups of no more than 6 and these groups must not mix under any circumstances (again local restrictions on spectators must be adhered to above FA Guidance)
Covid-19 legislation has been updated nationwide and should there be non-conformity to the governments restrictions then you will be subject to local enforcement orders and possible fines. There is a significant threat and growing concern that football could be forced to suspend activity if we don’t play our part in adhering to the guidance.
We all have a responsibility to keep our game safe and therefore I ask you all to collectively pull together and ensure that anyone involved in the game adheres to the guidance – this way we can continue to offer football to everyone who participates in our game.
We understand that this has been and will continue to be a difficult and strange time and we thank you for your ongoing support. Together we will all ensure that football in West Riding stays as safe and enjoyable as it can, and we will continue to promote key messages and guidance to everyone involved.
Stay safe and well and enjoy your football.
West Riding FA Chairman
Barry Chaplin