Equality & Diversity Monitoring Form
West Riding FA is required to compile anonymous information on those individuals accessing its services and activities.
Diversity monitoring is the process of gathering and analysing data on people’s characteristics.
These characteristics are sometimes referred to as race, gender, transgender, disability, religion and belief, sexual orientation, age and disability.
Monitoring allows West Riding FA to understand the makeup of those accessing its programmes within affiliated football and meet the needs of individuals if activities need adapting.
Anyone involved with affiliated football is encouraged to respond to the questions about themselves, however, participation is entirely optional and you are not obliged to self-declare your characteristics.
Participation however, provides us with a clear picture of the makeup of those involved with our programmes and the information we receive is only used for monitoring and statistical purposes only.
How can you help?
Whatever your role in football, please complete our Equality & Diversity Monitoring Forms below.
Form for adults: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/0b4f5298b1c9407886f750342bc12cc7
Form for children (must be completed by parent/carer): https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/4cb68f6480e94cbdb5348b883fb076f1